Donations made during Meal-Morial Madness not only have an immediate impact on a great cause, but they also make you eligible for great prizes! Each prize below was donated by a member of the Four Score Seven Pongs community – and some were even handmade by them!
To be eligible to win a prize, you must meet the minimum donation requirement for each prize in a single donation, you must make your donation during the event, and you must select the prize you want to enter the raffle for when you donate. You can select only one prize per donation, and you can have only one raffle entry per prize – so if you make multiple donations, you can qualify for multiple prize raffles!
Raffles will take place in the week after the event and winners will be contacted by email. Event volunteers and prize donors are not eligible to win prizes – even if we really, really want to!
Event logo prizes
New this year – you could win a piece of Meal-Morial Madness history! Immense thanks to our friend Woodworking_by_Scott ( for creating these beautiful, one-of-a-kind keepsakes featuring this year’s event logo. Click on the photos for a closer look!

MMM 2024 Large Cutting Board – $50 minimum donation
Made with: Purple Heart, Maple, Walnut, and Hickory
Dimensions: 18.75″ x 7.75″ x 1″
Gaming prizes

The Legend of Zelda Master Sword Cutting Board – $100 minimum donation
Made with: Walnut and Hickory
Dimensions: 16″ x 8″ x 1.25″
Handmade and donated by: Woodworking_by_Scott

The Legend of Zelda Hylian Crest Cutting Board – $100 minimum donation
Made with: Walnut and Hickory
Dimensions: 15.75″ x 8″ x 1.25″
Handmade and donated by: Woodworking_by_Scott

The Witcher Medallion Cutting Board – $75 minimum donation
Made with: Walnut, Hickory, and Maple
Dimensions: 15″ x 7.75″ x .75″
Handmade and donated by: Woodworking_by_Scott

Spiderman Cutting Board – $50 minimum donation
Made with: Walnut and Hickory
Dimensions: 9.75″ x 7″ x 1.25″
Handmade and donated by: Woodworking_by_Scott

Super Mario Drink Coasters – $25 minimum donation
Made with: Maple, Yellow Heart, and Purple Heart
Handmade and donated by: Woodworking_by_Scott

Mana Symbols Drink Coasters – $25 minimum donation
Made with: Spalted Maple, Yellow Heart, and Purple Heart
Handmade and donated by: Woodworking_by_Scott

Kirby Warp Star Plush – $10 minimum donation
Cozy it up and go on an adventure through Dreamland with this adorable 15″ Kirby plush!
Donated by: Silvermarquis

Celeste Keychain Charm – $5 minimum donation
Show your love for this fantastic indie game wherever you go! Features Madeline on one side (shown) and Badeline on the other.
Handmade and donated by: Miranda

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania for Nintendo Switch – $5 minimum donation
This game is a STEAL for just a $5 donation! If you can get the security case off, you’ll get to play a really excellent entry in the Super Monkey Ball franchise. Good luck!
Donated by: Jarbochov (and the folks at Walmart who forgot to remove the security case before shipping it)