Gaming For A Cause – Child’s Play

This upcoming tournament we’ve decided to change many things. One thing that I’d considered was making the day dedicated to a cause. With support and encouragement from others we’re going to give it a shot.

We’ve set up a goal with Child’s Play, a charity dedicated to providing toys and games to children in hospitals. They work directly with hospitals in fulfilling wish lists. As a big kid myself, games have always been a part of who I am today and have brought me joy in ways I will always remember. As we go through the next month thinking of others and being with loved ones please remember some people aren’t that lucky and will spending their holidays in the hospital.

Child's Play

We’ve set a goal of $1,000. I believe this is reachable but not without your help. I’m asking you to consider donating. There will be a donation widget on this post and our website all the way through our tournament and you can donate as early as today. We will definitely mention every single donor during our broadcast on January 16th.

Please share this post with anyone you can whether they are a fan of video games or not. Anything you are willing to donate no matter how big or small will make a difference.

Stay tuned for some game announcements, and other goodies very soon.

Thank You,

Jared (#teamjarbo)



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