RSS Feed
- New Joker Origin Film. Not in DECU. Martin Scorsese. Elseworlds? They can’t even get Batman or Superman correct.
- Hellboy comes to Injustice 2!
- Not ponytails or cottontails, NEW DUCKTALES!
- Jared mini-review Sonic Mania
- Secret of Mana Remake (PS4, Steam… no Switch)
- Original XBox One discontinued. We don’t even care, so it’s only going to appear in the show notes.
- Half-Life 2 Episode 3 Ending revealed? Half-Life 3 finally never confirmed?
- Amazon’s The Tick, review by Shawn
- Hearthstone Universe, animatic, comics? Member WoW? Metagame?
- The makers of Myst have a new game. Obduction. http://obduction.com/
- EA Earnings Call, Mass Effect Andromeda makes a profit, but no further story content will be added… because… it’s DEAD
Main Topic: Main topics. Are they main enough?
- Sometimes
One Dumb Things
What has Nintendo screwed up this week. SNES Classic Preorders.
Death Note, Why oh god, why?!
“The Legend of Zelda series is Nintendo’s best-selling video game franchise enjoyed by more than two generations of gamers. The action-adventure game was released in 1986, only one year after Nintendo’s founding in 1985. And you know what else was released in 1986? Yeah, you do. The last major reform to the American tax code was signed into law in 1986.”

Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Main Topic Music: Stranger Things Theme
Outro Music : Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
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