RSS Feed
- ARK Survival Evolved exists Early Access – immediately announces expansion
- Destiny 2 PC impressions
- Force Friday II – Nothing to buy here, move along…
- Secret Empire – yet another big reset button event
- Switch to require microSD cards for some games & Nintendo is co-branding SAN Disk cards (Games require install)
- The Defenders
- Shovel Knight Amiibo announced
- Shovel Knight King of Cards
Main Topic: Indie Game Scene
- Growth of the indie scene
- What makes a game indie?
- Who are the leaders in the space?
- Shovel Knight
- Super Meat Boy Forever
- Braid
- Spelunky
- Party Hard
- Castle Crashers
- Flinthook
- No Mans Sky
- Downwell
- Towerfall
- Steamworld Dig
- Undertale…….
- A good list of more
- Is the indie element getting clouded by commercial growth?
One Dumb Thing
- Capcom re-releasing Street Fighter II on a playable SNES cartridge. It doesn’t promise to not burn your house down.
Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Main Topic Music: Shovel Knight – Strike The Earth (Plains of Passage)… KAZOO’d!
Outro Music : Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
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