RSS Feed
- Gamer Culture Too Toxic? – Developer says he’d share more if people were nicer
- New Terminator movie in 2019 – will ignore non-Cameron sequels – Terminator is BULLSHIT
- Avatar 2-27 Filming now
- Divinity Original Sin II – Best reviewed game next to Breath of the Wild
- Ataribox will be an open, Linux-based console priced starting at $249 (WHYYYYYYY!?)
- The Commodore 64 Mini Comes with Over 60 Games
- Star Fox 2 already out in the wild
- DC’s Animated Universe is coming to Blu-Ray
- Wii Shop Shutting Down – Bye Virtual Console (exclusive re-releases Rondo of Blood)
- Should difficult games be more accessible in difficulty?
Main Topic: Why We Need Star Trek
Star Trek Discovery
- Spoilers!! Star Trek: Discovery – a (not so) quick review
- Black Alert
What is Star Trek?
- 30th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation – Honest Trailers
- The Philosophy of Star Trek
- Mankind will get through this and be better
- Morality
- Our enemies are like us
- Exploration & curiosity drive humanity
- Timeline confusion & continuations
- Star Trek Online
- Kelvin Timeline (Bullshit Timeline)
- Discovery
- Death of Expanded Universe – Just like Star Wars – Books/Comics, etc. all obsoleted but will be used to pick from – “Black Fleet” comment in Discovery is based on concept by John M. Ford
- Video Games of Star Trek
- Good:
- 25th Anniversary/ Judgment Rights
- Star Trek: Bridge Commander
- Star Trek: Starfleet Command (series)
- Star Trek: Armada (series)
- ST Voyager: Elite Force (series)
- ST:TNG Pinball Table
- Bad:
- Star Trek: Klingon Honor Guard
- Star Trek: New Worlds
- Star Trek (2013)
- Good:
One Dumb Thing
- Gotham – The Entire Premise
Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Main Topic Music: Picard Song – Dark Materia
Outro Music : Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
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