- Miiverse is no longer. RIP.
- New Star Wars Trilogy – may not be Skywalker based
- Thor: Ragnarok – Jared’s & Shawn’s Review
- Sony going BIG with VR – Black Friday discounts on Skyrim VR bundle – There will be a version of Skyrim, Shawn won’t own.
- TMNT is coming to Injustice 2…. what?… .. okay!
- Breath of the Wild DLC, still coming out this year… have no idea what it is… but hey… Amiibo.
- Shawn shares his thoughts about the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
- Blizz-Con
- Starcraft II goes free to play
- New Overwatch Cinematic – Reinhardt
- New Blizzard World Map
- New Overwatch hero – Moira
- World of Warcraft new expansion… and new vanilla server
- No Diablo… wonder why….
Main Topic: So you want to be a Games Designer
- Creating your own games
- Where to start?
- Mods
- Start Small – build that then expand
- Who do you work for?
- Tools to make games
- Systems
- D20/PF/SF
- Game Engines
- Unreal
- Unity
- RPG Maker MV
- Pico
- Art Resources
- Writing?
- Systems
- Not Tetris – and example of deconstructing a game that is not as fun to play.
Fans Giving of the Back Feeds
@420_Lux: @4Score7Pongs I am offended Jared said loins I would like a refund. Also I play switch 95% of the time handheld. Shaun really shows his age this week.
Shawn Nagle: When it comes to loot boxes, I have no issues…as long as they don’t give you in game advantage. You can choose to buy the boxes that are cosmetic. I like new skins and mounts in heroes of the storm. It adds to a game where you are pretty much doing the same thing over and over.
One Dumb Thing
- Disney Streaming Service – New SW TV and Marvel TV
Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Main Topic Music: Torsten Gran-Ruaz – The Elder Scrolls III- Morrowind
Outro Music : Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
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