RSS Feed
- Marvel Heroes shuts down 4 months after launching on consoles
- Justice League – No you don’t need to see it, honestly
- Skyrim on Switch – Because Skyrim or DIE
- Doom on the Switch
- Rocket League on the Switch
- The Punisher (I need to catch up on this – Jared) – Iron Man can’t stop war in Afghanistan
- Titan Quest: Ragnarok – Expansion just shows up 11 years after game’s initial releases
- Big updates coming to Splatoon 2, not that Shawn will play
Main Topic: Cult Classics
- What makes a game a cult classic?
- Games where critical reception was less than favorable.
- Games that have found a new life beyond death.
- Systems that are no longer around (Turbografix, Neo Geo, etc)
- Jared’s cult favorites
- Blast Corps
- Wonderful 101
- Windjammers (Neo Geo / Was very hard to find until this year)
- Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (Yes the one with the bongos)
- Pepsiman (No US release for obvious reasons)
- Uniracers
- Elite Beat Agents
- Wario’s Woods
- Tetris Attack
- Ikaruga / Radiant Silvergun (Treasure Games, Gunstar Heroes, etc)
- All Clover Studios games (Okami, Viewitful Joe, etc)
- Terranigma (No US release)
- Maniac Mansion
- Shawn’s cult favorites
- Vampire the Masquerade – Bloodlines – still being patched by fans
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
- System Shock
- Mutant League Football
- Heroes of Might and Magic III
- Torchlight
- Persona 3
- Destiny (YES DESTINY)
- No Man’s Sky
- Gabriel Knight
- Disgaea
- Others
- Policenauts (Kojima)
- Snatcher (Kojima)
- Neo Geo Games
- Indie ≠ Cult Favorite
- Does the AAA/Indie market allow for cult games?
- Just because they have a following doesn’t mean they’re great
One Dumb (EA) Thing(s)
- EA suspends Refunds on Origin & Disables Microtransactions in BF II
- EA on what free really means ($2000+ to unlock everything or literally days of your life)
Giving Thanks
- Thank you to everyone who has listened this past year, we truly appreciate it. ( We know It has not been a year yet -Shawn)
Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Main Topic Music: Pepsiman Theme Song
Outro Music : Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
00:00:00 – Intro
00:02:58 – Tangents
00:05:32 – Justice League Review (SPOILERS)
00:26:06 – Tangents Continue (END OF SPOILERS)
00:49:46 – Main Topic: Cult Classics
01:16:15 – One Dumb (EA) Thing(s)
01:23:14 – Giving Thanks
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