RSS Feed
- Infinity War: He’s Coming – New Trailer
- Captain Marvel new announcements
- Ronan/Korvath
- Philly Coulson… Phil son of Coul
- Ikaruga coming to PS4 and maybe, hopefully, Switch?
- Toys R Us Closing
- Sea of Thieves – XBONE Exclusive apathy magnet, Legendary Pirate cheats his way to the top
- Pathfinder V2.0 – Preorder the playtest – more 5E less D20 – http://paizo.com/pathfinderplaytest
- Spider-Man for PS4 – September 7 release – HIGH HOPES
- Minit – (60 SECONDS TIMED) Minute Review from Jared
- Ready Player One – Nostalgia is still annoying for its own sake
- TV Revival Culture – Will & Grace, Roseanne, The Office… sigh
- Death of Loot boxes – Battlefront II and Shadow of War both remove pay to win mechanic – but it’s not over yet
Main Topic: Tackling Backlog

The Five Stages of Backlog Management (The Cherup-Sines Model™)
Stage 1: Recognition
- How many games is too many?
- Inventory your games
Stage 2: Bargaining
- Prioritize those you want to really, really play
- Learn to ignore new releases for a few weeks or to play multiple games
Stage 3: Panic
- Develop crippling decision anxiety about games and just stop playing altogether
Stage 4: Mitigation
- Recognize you will probably not play everything you buy
- Consider hiding games you don’t want to play
- GOG and Steam Filters
- Console Library Filters
Stage 5: Acceptance
- Play whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it
- Or be Jared and just find more and more obscure games to find and play… eventually. (Shinobi III)
- Or just wait for the new God of War.
Fans Giving of the Back Feeds
- None this week
One Dumb Thing
- Sea of Thieves – “Insta-brigging” – Worst mechanic ever in an online multiplayer-game
Podcast Chapters
00:00:00 – Intro
00:03:12 – Tangents
01:01:48 – Main Topic: Tackling Backlog
01:23:05 – New Show Idea? We’ll See!
01:31:11 – One Dumb Thing
01:33:32 – Outro
Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Main Topic Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jkj8kxK5AIk
Outro Music : Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
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