- Remember our upload schedule in 2017?
- Live show, we need to do one
- Diablo Amiibo: The weirdest one ever!
- Fallout 76 Discussion
- Is it a success?
- Emergent Story vs. Narrative
- Red Dead Redemption 2: The Predemption
- Nintendo Online mini-review – is it worth it?
- Less issues with a good network. Overall: Meh
- Buying Gifts for Your Friends & Family to recruit them into gaming
- Ralph Wrecks The Internet Mini Review
- Good message, bad execution, not as good as the original.
- Spider-man Into the Spiderverse… it’s a hit.
- Young Justice: Outsiders
- Neither of us have Seen Aquaman, so shut up…
Main Topic: Endless Adventures
- Why do certain games resonate?
- What makes a game something you keep going back to?
- Gameplay Loops, Wish Fulfillment and Reward Systems in Games
- Emotional connections in games
- Games without end – Evergreen Games
- What are we owed for $60?
- Counter: The argument for SHORTER games
Fans Giving of the Back Feeds
- Superfan Kyle “Called In”
Missed Opportunities
- Shawn: Legacy Board games (Betrayal, Pandemic, etc.)
- Jared: Miyazaki Films?
One Dumb Thing
- Soulja Boy’s Rise and Fall
One Gratifying Thing
- Games Done Quick
Podcast Chapters
00:00:00 – Intro
00:04:47 – Tangents
00:46:31 – Main Topic: Endless Adventures
01:14:49 – Fans Giving of the Back Feeds
01:18:50 – Missed Opportunities
01:24:12 – One Dumb Thing
01:26:34 – One Gratifying Thing
Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Main Topic Music: ProZD – “war does not change, jerry”
Outro Music : djsmell – “Gotta Main ‘Em All!” – SMASH BROS ULTIMATE SONG Ft. Swiblet (Parody of The Pokérap)
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