Jared and Shawn tackle the real questions. Are Disney and Sony too big to fail? Is Mario Kart Tour fun? Are games as a service too big? Is a goose the ultimate video game character?
- We are on Spotify, Google Play, and Apple Podcasts
- Borderlands 3
- River City Girls
- Wayforward – Double Dragon Neon
- Marvel Phase 4 – meh (not meh)
- Spider-Man is back, but is he?
- Triple Force Friday
- Link’s Awakening
- Untitled Goose Game
- Mario Kart Tour (Gacha)
- Code Vein – Vampire Souls
- Sega Genesis Mini
- M2 Emulation
- Mega Man The Wily Wars
Main Topic: Games as a Service
- Are games too big?
- What turns Jared off of GaaS
- Too much time investment
- Lack of a beginning to end experience
- A big part of the conversation around games as a service is rewards.
- Content quality vs quantity
- Pick up and playability (2-3 Hour Sessions are not pick up and play)
- Obviously I spent a lot of time revisiting No Man’s Sky
- Loot turns me off. I want something to feel unique. At least in tabletop RPGs that I’ve experienced you get to spend some time with items so they have more meaning and value. Looking for something new all the time just to progress isn’t that fun. Diablo expedites this process, but games like Borderlands & Destiny do not. – Games as Gamer Slot Machines
- What about when they release a new version of the same world? Then encourage players to abandon the old one?
- Games as a service in the pantheon of gaming history
- How will these games be preserved/remembered in the future?
- Other online games that have died over the years with big followings?
- Star Wars Galaxies
- City of Heroes
- World of Warcraft
- Destiny
- The Division
- Star Wars Battlefront
- Anthem? Fallout 76?
Fans Giving of the Back Feeds
- You can leave us a voicemail at (267) TAN-GENT or (267) 826-4368 and we might feature you in our next episode!
- Or join our Discord Server!
Listener JT left us a question. What’s your answer?
Missed Opportunities
- Saga – Volume 1 omnibus is out for anyone wanting to jump onto the series
One Dumb Thing
- Sony & Marvel & Spider-Man Internet Flame War
One Gratifying Thing
- Inktober & NaNoWriMo – anything to spur creativity in a world with so much work
- Join us on the discord where we and our community will be sharing our daily inktober art – and keep each other motivated (or accountable) to making art!
AbleGamers Charity – Working to reduce social isolation for people with disabilities by providing accessible equipment free of charge and promoting accessibility within video games.
Podcast Chapters
00:00:00 – Cold Open
00:00:25 – Intro
00:03:27 – Tangents
00:53:17 – Main Topic: Games as a Service
01:16:59 – Fans Giving of the Back Feeds
01:24:46 – Missed Opportunities
01:27:15 – One Dumb Thing
01:30:05 – One Gratifying Thing(s)
Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Main Topic Music: Destiny Main Theme
Outro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
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