Jared’s prattling has gotten out of hand, and Shawn sets him straight. With a special guest star Erica! We talk about NYCC, Retro Consoles, and Jared’s got a few games you should check out.
- NYCC notes:
- Marvel’s Avengers: Ms Marvel reveal
- Iron Man VR game
- New Star Wars comics set after Empire
- Bizzaroverse Anthology from DC
- DC announces all DCAU movies will be on DC Universe 90 days after release
- Return of the Legion of Super Heroes – unfortunately it’s Bendis…
- Lucasfilm Publishing Teases Top-Secret STAR WARS Project (Shawn probably doesn’t care)
- Playdate – The Indie Handheld Gaming Console
- Analogue Pocket. Will have dock for TV Play. GB, GBC, GBA, Game Gear, NEO GEO POCKET. $199 out next year.
- Bone coming to Netflix as animated series. Jeff Smith.
- Crossplay now available for PS4
- Resident Evil invades Monster Hunter – Capcom keeps bringin’ in odd crossovers
- Wendy’s RPG
- Killer Queen Black Review
- Sayonara Wild Hearts Review
- Jarbochov’s Video Game Banger Corner RECOMMENDED
- Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC – and coming in NOVEMBER!
- Picard Trailer
- Jared’s mini review – Link’s Awakening (Already did last episode… you should listen to it)
- New Star Wars Comic Art Pinball machines by Stern
- Also Arcade1Up cabs for Turtles and Marvel are here – https://arcade1up.com/ and Shawn got them BOTH!
- Retro Replay: Ninja Warriors
- Grant Morrison’s first storyline on Green Lantern concludes – wow..
Fans Giving of the Back Feeds
- You can leave us a voicemail at (267) TAN-GENT or (267) 826-4368 and we might feature you in our next episode!
- Or join our Discord Server!
“The games as a service conversation depends on what drives you to play them. I am the person that wants to read books that are connected in one world. I want to live in the world longer. I played mostly single player RPGs growing up. But I always wanted this open living world where things would change. I don’t need a super rich story as much as lore and history of the world. For me, WoW was the closest thing to this a video game has gotten. I play mostly solo (I don’t really have friends that play), with the occasional group content. Exploration is the main driver for me. I’m most excited when there is a new expansion that gives me new area to quest in and explore. The other part of the game that I love is learning a class. Getting really good at using the kit given to kill my foes. With WoW there are people that play for other reasons. Some people just play Pokémon pet battling. Others level picking flowers. Some days I like to solo old raids to get armor for transmogrification. @jarbochov Even if the weapon or Armor is replaced, you can make the new weapon look like your old one. So there is some investment in gear. The last expansion’s main mechanic was each class had 3 different artifact weapons that you would power up through the whole expansion.”
Missed Opportunities
- Ducktales (Erica guest stars!)
- Titan’s Robotech Comics – Not the original story at all…
Podcast Chapters
00:00:00 – Intro
00:02:19 – Tangents: Comics
00:29:37 – Tangents: Video Games & More
01:24:57 – Fans Giving of the Back Feeds
01:27:23 – Missed Opportunities: Special Guest Erica
Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Outro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
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