Episode 33: Why Does Every Planet Look Like Vancouver?

Sines, Co-Sines, & Tangents
Sines, Co-Sines, & Tangents
Episode 33: Why Does Every Planet Look Like Vancouver?


Main Topic: The Power of the Franchise and Canon

  • Canon
    • Continuity
      • Does it matter?
      • Story over facts
      • Hard to manage
      • Constricting storytelling
    • Reboots / Reimaginings
      • Sometimes needed
      • Sometimes not
        • Stargate
    • The actual explanation for Star Trek: Discovery and how itโ€™s now so messed up. (https://youtu.be/ojtX_Oz4WsU)
    • Respecting the fanbase
      • Stargate
      • Star Wars
        • Revamped Canon
  • Franchises
    • Conventions
    • Merchandise

Fans Giving of the Back Feeds

  • Weโ€™ve got a Voicemail Box: (267) TAN-GENT or (267) 826-4368
  • Aladdin Poll
  • Voicemail from Tacosteve
  • Four Voicemails from McBoat SuperFan
    • Post MCU Feel
    • The balance of historical truth and fan fiction
    • Inglourious Basterds

Missed Opportunities

  • Jared: Titanfall 2
  • Shawn: Tales of Berseria

One Dumb Thing(s)

  • Bubsy has a Kickstarter
  • Live Action Aladdin Trailer
    • Disney needs to stop making live action demakes.
    • Devoid of emotion and character

Podcast Chapters

00:00:00 – Intro
00:02:11 – Tangents
01:01:13 – Main Topic: Canon & Franchises
01:40:55 – Fans Giving of the Back Feeds
01:45:57 – Missed Opportunties
01:48:52 – One Dumb Thing(s)


Intro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance
Main Topic Music: The Theme from Stargate SG-1
Outro Music: Serious Monkey Business: 2-01 Roller Disco – ReMixer: Zylance





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