Tag: star wars
Episode 33: Why Does Every Planet Look Like Vancouver?
We have a ton of tangents. Mario! Zelda! Tetris!! We also talk about the continuity power of canon and franchises, and how Shawn confuses people.
Episode 30: Transactional Mobility
Tangents: Castlevania: Season 2 – WOW! WOW! Hector & Issac Bloody Tears Nintendo Diablo III Amiibos and game Playstation Classic Game Reveal – meh Pokemon Let’s Go buy two copies and actually play Pokemon Go! Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far – who is this for? (Jared. Haven’t played one) Dark Horse seemingly used tons…
Episode 26: Infinite Dads of War
We talk about Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse and we go deeper than you were expecting by looking at a common thread of God of War and Infinity War: Fatherhood.
Hyperbolic Tangent #1: Seeking Balance
Jared & Shawn have diverging opinions. No one is right. No one is wrong. There is a balance in the Force. Here’s what we thought from The Last Jedi.
Episode 20: Making It All Up
This episode, we talk about Star Wars saturation, Thor: Fraggle Rock, and what it takes to make a game of your own.